Terms & Conditions
It would be ideal if you read these terms and conditions of utilization cautiously before utilizing or acquiring any materials, data, information, products or services through this site. By getting to, utilizing or acquiring any content, data, materials, information, products or services through the site at www.itwgo.in "Our Website" you consent to be bound by these terms and conditions "Terms". In the event that you don't acknowledge these Terms, at that point kindly don't utilize Our Website.
We may change these Terms, whenever, by posting notice on Our Website at any rate fifteen (15) days before any adjustment ends up successful. Your proceeded with utilization of Our Website, including any utilization of the Trips Service, following the posting of notice of any change will be subject the Terms as a result at the hour of your utilization. In the event that you item to any arrangement of these Terms or any consequent adjustments to these Terms or become disappointed with Our Website, including any utilization of the Trips Service, in any capacity, your lone response is to quickly end utilization of Our Website.
We suggest you spare as well as print out a duplicate of these Terms for your future reference.
What do these Terms mean?
It very well may be truly befuddling working out what terms apply in what conditions. These Terms apply to your utilization of Our Website, as does our Privacy Policy. These are isolated and Our Website obviously hails how you can get to those. At long last there are the particulars of the genuine settlement supplier and you do likewise need to access, read and comprehend those. They are significant on the grounds that they set out what rights you have against the convenience supplier should anything turn out badly. What makes this even more significant is that ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD does not have any duty should anything turn out badly on the grounds that ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD is basically going about as a facilitator to empower you to process booking.
Between You and Us
By consenting to these Terms you are going into a lawfully official concurrence with ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD . In these Terms, "we", "us", "our & or " ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD " alludes to ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD, and "you" or "your" alludes to you as the client of Our Website. In the event that you might want to connect with us, you can do so through our "Contact us" page.
We possess Our Website and the majority of the content, pictures, programming, trademarks, administration marks or other material contained on Our Website (the "Great Stuff".You won't duplicate or transmit any of the Good Stuff, with the exception of your own, on-business use on your PC. All copyright, trademark and other exclusive rights notification incorporated into the Good Stuff as exhibited at Our Website must show up on all duplicates you print or generally make. Other item, administration, or organization assignments on Our Website have a place with the Other Guys and might be referenced in Our Website for distinguishing proof purposes as it were. You should contact the proper Other Guys for increasingly complete data with respect to such assignments and their enrollment status. Your utilization of and access to Our Website don't concede you any permit or ideal to utilize any of the imprints included on Our Website.
Do's and Don'ts on our Site
Our Website is proposed for individual & business use. You may just utilize, and register to turn into a part/Agent of Our Website, on the off chance that you are in any event 18 years of age. On the off chance that you go along with us and become a part, you are in charge of keeping up the mystery of your passwords, login and account data (your "Own Stuff". You will be in charge of all utilization of Our Website, anybody utilizing your Personal Stuff (with or without your authorization) and anybody whom you permit to get to your movement schedules. All Personal Stuff that you give to us must be precise and forward-thinking. On the off chance that any of your Personal Stuff transforms, you should promptly refresh it. On the off chance that you have motivation to accept that your record is never again secure (e.g., misfortune, robbery or unapproved divulgence or utilization of your Personal Stuff or PC or cell phone used to get to the Trips Service), you should quickly change your Personal Stuff that is influenced and tell us by means of the "Contact Us"page.
In the event that you choose to get messages or different interchanges from Our Website legitimately to your cell phone, you are exclusively in charge of keeping us refreshed with your present telephone number. We won't be subject for data sent to exhortation that is related with your obsolete cell phone number. On the off chance that you introduce any product or empower any administration that stores data from Our Website on any cell phone or PC, it is your obligation, before exchange of such gadget, to expel your data or generally cripple access to such programming or administration, so as to counteract unapproved access to your data or record.
You may just utilize Our Website to search for authentic travel arrangements and you may not utilize Our Website to make any false, fraudulent or theoretical reservation or any booking fully expecting interest.
You agree not to:
We may, at our sole circumspection, whenever and without early notification or risk, suspend, end or limit your entrance to all or any segment of Our Website.
Information and ideas you share with us
In the event that you utilize the (regardless of whether you don't generally utilize the remainder of Our Website), you are exclusively in charge of the movement data, and other substance that you transfer, transmit or share with us or others , and make a deal to avoid transmitting Stuff you don't have authorization to share.
When you furnish us with Trips Stuff, you approve us to cause duplicates as we to consider vital so as to encourage the capacity and digestion of the Trips Stuff on the Trips Service. By giving Trips Stuff, you give us, and you speak to and warrant that you reserve the option to give us, an unavoidable, ceaseless, non-selective, transferable, completely paid, overall permit (with the privilege to openly sublicense) to utilize, duplicate, alter, freely perform, openly show, reformat, interpret, syndicate, republish, portion (in entire or in part)and disperse that Trips Stuff for any reason, business, publicizing, or something else, on or regarding the or the advancement thereof, and to get ready subordinate works of, or consolidate into different works, that Trips Stuff. For instance, we may total and utilize data from movement schedules transmitted or generally put together by you and different clients to improve our capacity to give the Trips Service.
Subject to the rights conceded to us in these Terms, you claim the majority of your Trips Stuff and any protected innovation rights related with your Trips Stuff. You may expel your Trips Stuff from the site whenever, yet the permit you have allowed to us will stay basically. We reserve the privilege to evacuate any Trips Stuff you send us if the Trips Stuff does not conform to these Terms.
We won't be mindful, or at risk to any outsider, for Trips Stuff you sends.
In the event that you give us criticism, recommendations, tributes, remarks, thoughts, evaluations, audits, bug reports or any comparable or related information"Feedback", you concur that: (a) we claim the Feedback and any licensed innovation rights related with the Feedback (and, to the degree that we don't naturally possess such Feedback and any protected innovation rights related with such Feedback, you therefore allocate them both to us); (b)we can utilize and share the Feedback without your assent; (c) we don't have today you for the Feedback; and (d) we may as of now be mulling over the equivalent or comparable thoughts as your Feedback. In the event that you don't concur with these terms in regards to Feedback, or need to keep up responsibility for licensed innovation contained in a particular Feedback, your sole alternative and plan of action is to not submit Feedback to us.
Our Website Updates
We expect to refresh Our Website routinely, and may change the substance whenever. On the off chance that the need emerges, we may suspend access to Our Website, or close it uncertainly. Any of the material on Our Website might be obsolete at some random time, and we are under no commitment to refresh such material.
Privacy Policy
Your utilization of Our Website and any data you give to us while utilizing the Website, is liable to our Privacy Policy . By utilizing Our Website and/, you agree to the utilization of your data as we sketched out in our security arrangement.
Warranty Disclaimer
Our Website, all substance and administrations gave on Our Website and all agendas you get through the are given on an "as seems to be" and "as accessible" premise. ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD explicitly renounces all guarantees, conditions and assurances of any sort, regardless of whether express or inferred, including, however not constrained to, the suggested guarantees of title, non-encroachment, and security and precision, just as all guarantees emerging by use of exchange, course of managing, or course of execution. ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD makes no guarantee, and explicitly renounces any commitment, that:
(a) Our Website will meet your necessities or will be accessible on a continuous, convenient, secure, or mistake free premise;
(b) the substance will be cutting-edge, total, far reaching, precise or relevant to your conditions;
(c) the outcomes that might be gotten from the utilization of Our Website or any services offered through Our Website, including any schedules acquired through the Website, will be exact or dependable; or
(d) the nature of any items, administrations, data, or other material gotten by you through Our Website will live up to your desires.
Limited Liability
We(together with our officials, executives, workers, agents, members, suppliers and outsiders associated with us) thusly explicitly avoid and are not at risk for:
(a) any misfortune or harms to, or infections that may contaminate, your PC hardware, PC projects, information or other exclusive material as the aftereffect of your entrance to Our Website, your downloading of any substance from Our Website; or
(b) any demonstration of god, mishap, delay, or any extraordinary, praiseworthy, corrective, aberrant, coincidental or noteworthy harms of any sort (counting without restriction lost benefits or lost investment funds), regardless of whether situated in contract, tort (counting carelessness), exacting obligation or something else, that emerge out smell is in any capacity associated with:
(I) any utilization of Our Website, the or our substance;
(ii) any disappointment or deferral (counting without constraint the utilization of or powerlessness to utilize any segment of Our Website for reservations or ticketing);or
(iii) the exhibition or non execution by us or any supplier, regardless of whether we have been educated concerning the probability of harms to such parties or some other gathering.
Our total risk for any misfortune or harm endured by you as the consequence of your entrance to our Website, you're downloading of any substance from Our Website, which isn't secured by the above passage, is constrained to 5000 INR.
Nothing in these Terms avoids or restricts:
Either gathering's obligation for death or individual damage brought about by its carelessness or misrepresentation or
Your privileges as a shopper.
Protecting Us
Subject to these Terms you will be capable to us and the Other Guys, and every one of our officials, executives, representatives and specialists, for any costs, misfortunes or different expenses, including without impediment sensible lawful and bookkeeping charges, emerging out of, or in any capacity associated with your rupture of these Terms or the understandings made piece of these Terms by reference, your utilization of or access to Our Website, the or the Good Stuff.
Travel Products
ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD does not claim or control the suppliers of any of the movement items that you can access through Our Website. Regardless of whether it's an aircraft or a lodging or whatever else the movement item is claimed or controlled or made accessible by outsider. It's the Other Guys who are in charge of the movement items. In the event that you make a booking here for settlement, that booking is made with the convenience supplier and through a booking operator who is going about as the specialist of the convenience supplier. As needs be ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD has no obligation regarding the booking since it has no inclusion in making the portrayal of the offices and administrations at the settlement (this originates from the convenience supplier) and has no association in giving the administrations and additionally offices that you book (again they originate from the settlement supplier).
We may end a concurrence with you under these Terms whenever by advising you recorded as a hard copy or potentially, in the event that you are a part, by dropping your participation and your entrance to your record.
Hacker Fares
On account of a Hacker Fare, Our Website searches for better return-trip bargains by joining tickets issued by various carriers for every course of movement. Since two tickets will be issued, various guidelines and strategies (for instance, for stuff expenses, change charges, and discounts) may apply toward every path. Any progressions made to one of your tickets won't influence the other ticket (for instance, if your underlying flight is dropped by it is possible that you or the carrier, the other aircraft with which you booked your arrival flight isn't committed to issue a discount or change your agenda). You are in charge of consenting to every aircraft's terms and conditions, which may vary (for instance, registration times and points of confinement on things size/weight). If you don't mind cautiously survey the terms and states of every aircraft contract of carriage before booking, and guarantee that you complete the booking necessities for the two tickets. Since tolls change as often as possible, it would be ideal if you watch that both of the recorded passages are as yet accessible before continuing with your appointments. On the off chance that you are voyaging universally, you may need to give verification that you have areturn trip at check in and at migration. You might need to print both of your e-ticket affirmations before beginning travel.
We encourage you to share your comments and questions with us, but we may not be able to respond to all of them. Please note that we assume no responsibility for reviewing unsolicited ideas for our business (like product or advertising ideas) and will not incur any liability as a result of any similarities between those ideas and materials that may appear in future ITWGO programs. Also, please remember that you are responsible for whatever material you submit, including its reliability, originality, and copyright. Please do not reveal trade secrets or other confidential information in your messages. Any and all rights to materials submitted to us become the exclusive property of ITW TRAVEL AND LEISURE PVT LTD
www.itwgo.in is a website owned and operated by:
No. 16/1, 1st Floor, AVS Compound, 80 Feet Road, 4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
Office No: 080-41277577
Email: care@itwgo.in